Legal Notice – Vallourec Brazil

Site description:

The main purpose of the site is to provide you with corporate information about the Vallourec group. This site also enables Vallourec to present its activities to you and as appropriate other activities of the Vallourec group. The data available on the site is communicated for general information. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information.


The site is the property of Vallourec, a French limited liability company (société anonyme) with a Board of Directors, with share capital of €4,732,381.22, entered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 552 142 200, Siret 522 142 200 00773, the registered office of which is at: 12 rue de la Verrerie – 92190 Meudon, France 

Intra-community VAT number: FR 01 552 142 200 

For further information, please contact us via the contact details given below: 

Publishing Director [legally responsible for website content]: Mr Philippe GUILLEMOT, CEO 
Publishing Manager: Ms Valérie LA GAMBA, Communications Director 

Hosting provider:


Amazon CS Ireland Ltd

Address : Unit 27 – 6400 Cork Airport Business Park – Kinsale Road – Ireland

Tel: (206) 266-4064

Fax: (206) 266-7010

Development made by Big Youth
Social capital : 300 000€
Head Quarters : 89 avenue de la grande armée 75116 Paris