Vallourec in Brazil
Who we are
Who we are

Vallourec is among the world leaders in premium tube solutions, supplying mainly in the energy markets (oil and gas, power generation). Its experience also extends to the industrial sector (including mechanical, automotive and construction). With approximately 17 thousand employees, integrated plants in more than 20 countries and an advanced research and development sector, Vallourec works side by side with its customers to offer more than just tubes, but innovative, safe, competitive and intelligent solutions to make all possible projects.
In Brazil, Vallourec has eight units. In Minas Gerais, the Barreiro and Jeceaba units are focused on the production of seamless steel tubes; the Forestry unit is responsible for the production of charcoal that supplies the Blast Furnaces of the tube-producing plants; and the Mineração unit meets the internal supply needs of iron ore. The Company also has a Business Unit in the state, which provides administrative services.

With production lines in Minas Gerais and São Paulo, Vallourec Tubos para Indústria (VTI) provides of steel Cold Drawn tubes and tubular solutions for the industry in general, especially for the automotive, energy, machinery, and industrial equipment segments. In Rio de Janeiro, Vallourec Tubular Solutions Ltda. (VTS) provides specialized services for the oil and gas sector. And in Espírito Santo, it provides anti-corrosive coating services.
Vallourec also counts on the Vallourec Foundation, a company that promotes sociocultural initiatives that seek the leading role of employees, interns, dependents and retirees of the Group companies in Brazil to build a conscious, healthy and happy lifestyle. It is also a partner of Coovall, a credit union that exclusively serves employees and manages the Cine Theatro Brasil, an important cultural asset in the city of Belo Horizonte.
Our Units
Our Units
Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil
Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil, established in October 2016, is the result of the merging between Vallourec Tubos do Brasil and Vallourec & Sumitomo Tubos do Brasil. The company has two plants for the production of seamless steel pipes, one in Belo Horizonte (MG) in the district of Barreiro, and the other in Jeceaba (MG).
Barreiro’s Plant is one of the most well-equipped steel complexes in the international market, producing seamless steel pipes for the oil, manufacturing, automotive, energy and civil construction industries. Jeceaba’s Plant is one of the most modern steel plants in the world, focused on producing seamless steel pipes, exclusively for the oil and gas industry.

Vallourec Florestal is a pioneer in planting and managing eucalyptus forests to produce charcoal. It stands out in the national market because of its genetic research, the mechanization of activities and the productivity of its forests. The headquarters are in Curvelo (State of Minas Gerais) and the eucalyptus plantations are in the central, north and northwest regions of the state. To document the production processes and support the planning of the Company's actions, with regard to sustainable forest production, within the social, environmental and economic expectations, the Forest Management Plan is available here.

Vallourec Mineração has been producing iron ore since the beginning of the 1980’s at the Pau Branco Mine. The product is one of the richest in the world because of the privileged mining position in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero Region in the town of Brumadinho, 30 km from Belo Horizonte (State of Minas Gerais). The company processes three types of ore: hematite, goethite and itabirito.

Vallourec Tubular Solutions (VTS)
In Rio das Ostras, State of Rio de Janeiro, VTS services the home market and the South American market. Your focuses is on specialized services and the supply of accessories to the oil and gas sectors, including inspection, maintenance and lining in the oil and gas industry; transport, repairs, technical consultancy, management and maintenance of inventories, coordination and design of wells, training, management of accessories, as well as the production of tube accessories.
The plant located in Espírito Santo offers high performance internal and external anticorrosive lining for different types of steel tube, from 6 to 60 inches.

Vallourec Tubos para Indústria (VTI)
Vallourec Tubos para Indústria (VTI) is a joint venture between its Drawn and Profiled Tubes Unit and the Cold Drawn Tubes Division of the Açotubo Group to supply of steel Cold Drawn tubes and tubular solutions for the industry in general, especially for the automotive, energy, machinery, and industrial equipment segments.


The Vallourec Group in Brazil is made up of the following companies: Vallourec Tubos do Brasil (VBR), Vallourec Florestal (VFL), Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil (VSB), Vallourec Transportes e Serviços (VTS) and Vallourec Tubular Solutions (VTS).
Vallourec Tubes do Brasil is the Group's holding in the country and its sole partner is Vallourec Tubes, a company of French origin. Also, as the holding company, VBR controls, directly or indirectly, all the other Group's companies in Brazil.
The strategic decision-making processes of these companies are concentrated in an Executive Committee.
As of March 26, 2021, VSB no longer has external shareholders and has VBR and Vallourec Tubes as the sole shareholders, given that the Vallourec Tubes Executive Committee acts as the controlling and deliberative body of last resort for companies in South America, including VSB.
To develop, produce and deliver excellent tubes for domestic and export profitable markets; diversifying and growing our accessories and services offering; in a safe and motivating workplace; respecting the environment and local community.
Our story
Our story
Integration of Mannesmann Brasil in the Joint Venture Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes
Integration of Mannesmann Brasil in the Joint Venture Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes

Ethics and Compliance
Ethics and Compliance
Code of Ethics
The Vallourec Code of Ethics sets out the values and defines the main principles of action of Vallourec with regards to its personnel, customers, suppliers and stakeholders. It also establishes the rules of conduct that must be followed by all its employees.
Compliance Manual
Vallourec undertakes its activities in compliance with all applicable international and national laws and regulations. In this context, the main purpose of the Compliance Manual is to disseminate the business ethics and establish a set of guidelines and rules aimed at the detection, identification and/or combat of improper or illegal acts and behaviors.
Integrity Line
To register a complaint or report any behavior related to unfair practices, corruption, harassment, discrimination, and illegal use of personal data click here to access the Integrity Line.
The line can be accessed 24 hours/ seven days per week from any place in the world, and it works on any device (computer, smartphone, and tablet). It is hosted in a secure and protected platform, managed by an independent company, Business Keeper AG, subjected to a confidentiality and security agreement.
Financial information to suppliers system
Vallourec – Suppliers portal (available only for suppliers and partners that have already subscribed on it)
Click here to access the user guide (available only in Portuguese).
Contact us
Contact us
Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil S.A. / Vallourec Tubos do Brasil Ltda.
Av. Olinto Meireles, Nº 65 - Barreiro de Baixo
CEP: 30.640-010 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Tel: +55 (31) 3328-2121
[email protected]
Distrito Industrial, S/N°
CEP: 35.498-000 – Jeceaba - MG - Brasil
Tel: +55 (31) 2141-5124
[email protected]
Rod. BR 040 - km 562,5 - Mina Pau Branco
CEP: 35.460-000
Brumadinho - MG - Brasil
Tel: + 55 (31) 3571-9000
[email protected]
Rua Honduras, Nº 78 - Léo Batista
CEP: 35.790-000
Curvelo - MG - Brasil
Tel: + 55 (38) 3729-6050
[email protected]
Rua do Plataformista, Lote 5-6-7-13 e 14 - Quadra K; Lote 10-11-12 e 13; Quadra l;
Zona Especial de Negócios - Mar do Norte
CEP: 28.899-014
Rio das Ostras - RJ - Brasil
Tel: + 55 (22) 3321-8785
Rod. Governador Mario Covas, BR 101 - km 276 - Carapina - Polo Industrial de Piracema
CEP: 29.161-064 I Caixa Postal 40036 - 29160-970
Serra - ES - Brasil
Tel: + 55 (27) 3212-4670
[email protected]
Av Olinto Meireles, 65 - Barreiro de Baixo
CEP: 30.640-010 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Tel: +55 31 3328-2121
[email protected]
Rua Majestic, 465 - Cidade Industrial Satelite de São Paulo
CEP: 07.221-060 - Guarulhos - SP - Brasil
Tel: +55 11 3371-6100
[email protected]
Rua Majestic, 196 - Cidade Industrial Satélite de São Paulo
CEP: 07.221-060 - Guarulhos - SP - Brasil
Tel: +55 11 3371-6100
[email protected]
Rod Carlos Pedroso da Silveira, 4811 - Galpão Anexo - Jardim Santa Tereza
CEP: 12.045-000 - Taubaté - SP - Brasil
Tel: +55 31 3328-2121
[email protected]
Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil S.A. / Vallourec Tubos do Brasil Ltda.
Av. Olinto Meireles, Nº 65 - Barreiro de Baixo
CEP: 30.640-010 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Tel: +55 (31) 3328-2121
[email protected]
Distrito Industrial, S/N°
CEP: 35.498-000 – Jeceaba - MG - Brasil
Tel: +55 (31) 2141-5124
[email protected]
Rod. BR 040 - km 562,5 - Mina Pau Branco
CEP: 35.460-000
Brumadinho - MG - Brasil
Tel: + 55 (31) 3571-9000
[email protected]
Rua Honduras, Nº 78 - Léo Batista
CEP: 35.790-000
Curvelo - MG - Brasil
Tel: + 55 (38) 3729-6050
[email protected]
Rua do Plataformista, Lote 5-6-7-13 e 14 - Quadra K; Lote 10-11-12 e 13; Quadra l;
Zona Especial de Negócios - Mar do Norte
CEP: 28.899-014
Rio das Ostras - RJ - Brasil
Tel: + 55 (22) 3321-8785
Rod. Governador Mario Covas, BR 101 - km 276 - Carapina - Polo Industrial de Piracema
CEP: 29.161-064 I Caixa Postal 40036 - 29160-970
Serra - ES - Brasil
Tel: + 55 (27) 3212-4670
[email protected]
Av Olinto Meireles, 65 - Barreiro de Baixo
CEP: 30.640-010 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Tel: +55 31 3328-2121
[email protected]
Rua Majestic, 465 - Cidade Industrial Satelite de São Paulo
CEP: 07.221-060 - Guarulhos - SP - Brasil
Tel: +55 11 3371-6100
[email protected]
Rua Majestic, 196 - Cidade Industrial Satélite de São Paulo
CEP: 07.221-060 - Guarulhos - SP - Brasil
Tel: +55 11 3371-6100
[email protected]
Rod Carlos Pedroso da Silveira, 4811 - Galpão Anexo - Jardim Santa Tereza
CEP: 12.045-000 - Taubaté - SP - Brasil
Tel: +55 31 3328-2121
[email protected]
Automotive: [email protected]
Structural: [email protected]
Industry: [email protected]
OCTG: [email protected]
Energy: [email protected]
Automotive: [email protected]
Structural: [email protected]
Industry: [email protected]
OCTG: [email protected]
Energy: [email protected]
Edifício Dom Pedro I de Alcântara
Av. Paulista, Nº 171 – 11° andar - Bela Vista
CEP: 01.311-904
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Tel.: +55 (11) 3371-6100
Edifício Castelo Branco
Av. República do Chile, Nº 230 - 12º andar - Centro
CEP: 20.031-170
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
Tel.: +55 (21) 3873-8300
Rod BR-116, 21940 - Panazzolo
CEP: 95.080-050 - Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil
Tel: +55 54 2992-3476 | +55 54 3229-2395
[email protected]
Edifício Dom Pedro I de Alcântara
Av. Paulista, Nº 171 – 11° andar - Bela Vista
CEP: 01.311-904
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Tel.: +55 (11) 3371-6100
Edifício Castelo Branco
Av. República do Chile, Nº 230 - 12º andar - Centro
CEP: 20.031-170
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
Tel.: +55 (21) 3873-8300
Rod BR-116, 21940 - Panazzolo
CEP: 95.080-050 - Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil
Tel: +55 54 2992-3476 | +55 54 3229-2395
[email protected]
Av. Olinto Meireles, Nº 65 - Barreiro de Baixo
CEP: 30.640-010
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Tel: +55 (31) 3328-2121
Rua Sydiney Martins Gomes dos Santos
CEP: 21.941-859
Cidade Universitário – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Tel: +55 (21) 3867-6617
Av. Olinto Meireles, Nº 65 - Barreiro de Baixo
CEP: 30.640-010
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Tel: +55 (31) 3328-2121
Rua Sydiney Martins Gomes dos Santos
CEP: 21.941-859
Cidade Universitário – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Tel: +55 (21) 3867-6617
Former employees (Document Request)
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