Corporate volunteering helps develop skills for professionals


Improving soft skills such as leadership, planning, and teamwork shows that participants in social actions within communities also benefit from the programs

Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais), August 28, 2024 – Engaging people to exercise citizenship and solidarity and, in return, develop skills for work and personal life. This dynamic that inspires volunteers in social projects has been increasingly applied to the corporate world, benefiting all parties involved. On Brazilian National Volunteering Day (8/28), the balance is positive at the Vallourec Foundation, which for 20 years has encouraged its employees to participate in social actions within communities where the company operates.

These initiatives take place through the “Mãos de Valor” (“Hands of Valor”) program, with several social projects ranging from mentoring actions, such as “Voluntários do Saber” (“Volunteers of Knowledge”), to blood donation campaigns, warm clothing drives, toy drives and others, all of which employees and their adult dependents, trainees and contractors can choose from.

The social actions align with an annual volunteering plan, contributing directly or transversally to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN and ESG practices.


Young people from the "Voluntários do Saber" project receive a certificate of completion for their mentoring at the Curvelo (MG) unit. Photo: Vallourec press release

Employee engagement is an excellent and enjoyable tool which, in addition to the returns to the communities where we operate, enhances the development of skills and competencies for work, as well as the health and well-being of volunteers,” says Sheila Santos, CEO of the Vallourec Foundation.

Measured benefits

In 2023, Vallourec had 245 participantions in 66 initiatives, highlighting the benefits of corporate volunteering. One of the most successful actions is the “Mirando o Futuro” (“Aiming for the Future”) mentoring program, which is part of the “Voluntários do Saber” project.

The mentors are the employees themselves who use their knowledge to transform the lives of communities in areas such as education, environment, entrepreneurship, management, communication and finance. Created in 2013 as a pilot project, it has matured and expanded, resulting in awards and recognition as an agent of social transformation.

According to a survey carried out by the Foundation last year, participants in the “Voluntários do Saber” project say that it has contributed to the development of their professional and personal skills and competencies, such as commitment, communication, creativity, empathy, flexibility, leadership, planning, interpersonal relationships and teamwork.

For Cátia Lúcia Rocha, junior process analyst at the Company in Rio das Ostras (RJ), those who volunteer benefit as much as those who are assisted by the projects. In the last mentoring session for young people, she taught them about personal and professional ethics. She even took the “students” to visit the Vallourec facility in the city. “They are amazed by the examples we have to share. It’s gratifying to see those little eyes sparkle as their minds open up to new knowledge and opportunities,” she says.

One of the mentoring activities in Rio das Ostras was a visit to the company's facility. Photo: Vallourec press release

Nobert Souza, from the Forest unit, is an institutional and community relations analyst. Shortly after joining the company in 2021, he volunteered in the “Mãos de Valor” program, mentoring teenagers in business communication and preparing them for the job market.

The result is always positive. It’s very satisfying to see them maturing during the mentoring sessions and, as a final task, being able to draw up short-, medium- and long-term life plans. We learned they are very interested in developing personally and professionally in a structured way,” he concludes.

Nobert Souza (first left), in action in the company's volunteering program. Photo: Vallourec press release

Get to know other volunteering fronts at Vallourec

“Dia V” (V-Day): a special day for volunteering in institutions close to the company’s facilities.

“Imposto Responsável” (Responsible Tax): encourages employees to transfer up to 6% of their income tax to the “Fundo da Infância e da Adolescência” – FIA (Childhood and Adolescence Fund), to benefit social projects and actions developed in the company’s surroundings.

“Costurinha Solidária” (Sewing for Solidarity): employees are encouraged to make layettes for babies of mothers in vulnerable situations and scarves for women undergoing cancer treatment.

Campaigns: Vallourec carries out seasonal campaigns to encourage employees to take part in actions for the community, such as the

“Campanha do Agasalho” (Warm Clothing Drive), blood donation, sponsorship of Christmas cards and other emergency campaigns.